Click on the name of the lesson to go to it.
#10 Basic Tapping Using the A minor Pentatonic Scale - In this lesson I am going to show you how to perform bi-dextral hammer-ons and pull-offs, this technique is commonly known as tapping. Tapping is essentially just performing hammer-ons and pull-offs with the left and right hands at the same time. The biggest question I get from my guitar students is; “How do I know what notes to tap?”
#9 Guitar Finger Building Exercise - Etude of Technique - In this lesson we are going to work those little digits of yours using arpeggios, hammer-ons and Pull-offs, and pivoting.
#8 Guitar Lesson- Circle of Fourths Chord Progressions - Chord progressions using the circle of fourths are popular in all musical styles. Starting from the first chord in the progression, each subsequent chord will be a fourth higher in the key. The circle of fourths utilizes every chord in the key, playing through them one by one.
#7 Developing Shred Picking Technique - Welcome to my lesson “Developing Shred Picking Technique.” This lesson not only applies to you metal lovers because It doesn’t matter what style of music you want to pursue, picking is an essential part of any guitar players technique. So if you aren’t picking, you’re not grinning!
#6 Video Guitar Lesson - Alexi Laiho: Complete lead – “Next In Line” With Tab - “Next In Line” is a signature Alexi Lead from the CD “Are You Dead Yet”. In this lead he has a perfect blend of Melodic riffs, masterful techniques and ripping speed runs. Take a look at the complete lead in EX.1 and then I’ll break it down and analyze each section.
#5 The Harmonic minor Scale - Guitar Lesson - In this lesson I’m going to take you through some background theory of the Harmonic minor scale. Once we have that together, in a future lesson I will teach you some useful ways to apply the scale into your own improvisation.
#4 Guitar Lesson - Sweeping Arpeggios and Gallop Progression with Michael “Padge” Paget of “Bullet for My Valentine” - Let’s take a look at a section inspired by the lead from the Bullet for my Valentine song “Eye of the Storm.”
#3 Michael Padget of BFMV Guitar Video Lesson - Melodic Shred - In this lesson I want to look at a lead section inspired by the title song from the album Scream Aim Fire, to give you a great example of how to mix shred and melody into one exciting solo.
#2 Guitar Lesson - Kiko Loureiro's Signature Arpeggio Scale Patterns - In this segment I want to highlight a unique way that Kiko uses triads to form leads and melodies instead of scales. He views the neck slightly different then most guitarists, this helps him cross genres and still have his own sound. To help you start to view the neck in this manor I’m going to show you a few of Kiko’s signature arpeggio scale combination patterns.
AND THE #1 MOST VIEWED GUITAR LESSON OF 2009 IS.............................
#1 Multi Position Pentatonic Lead Patterns - Guitar Lesson - In this lesson I am going to teach you five minor pentatonic scale lead patterns then we will put them into a three note sequence. Each of these patterns will show you how to move laterally across the neck while playing through three positions of the Minor Pentatonic scale.
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