While taking a couple months off this summer from blogging I seriously contemplated about whether I would continue this weekly feature on the Rock House Blog. This past week when I started posting here again I received more than just a few emails from readers asking if I was going to be continuing the column ..... so after much consideration the answer is yes. One of the big reasons I'll continue it because of the impact it has on other music lesson blogs and bloggers, which I did not realize.
For those of you not familiar with "The Weekend Read" it's a good list of guitar related articles, guitar lessons, gear reviews, news and sometimes plain old good reading that I've found from our blog roll over the past week.
Speaking of good lessons, if you missed it our lesson this week was from Chimaira guitarist Rob Arnolds DVD "Song Writing, Riffing and Soloing." Click on this link for the post, The Best Of Rock House - Guitar Lesson Rob Arnold of Chimaira Teaches One of His Favorite Riffs.
And now......"The Weekend Read."
Cameron Mizell - Guitarist - Explore a very guitar-centric approach to playing modal and scaler patterns. This lesson is geared towards intermediate and advanced players...Woodshed Wednesday: Modal Patterns for Guitar
Double Bass Blog -I have spent the last decade plus preparing high school double bass students to audition for youth orchestras, competitions, All-State Orchestra, and college. A lot of my students have done very well in their auditions for these events, and I have always tried, through observing how my students do in these competitive situations, to refine my approach as a teacher...Auditioning Advice for High School Students
Fretbase - Sanyo has come up with an idea that in hindsight seems so obvious it’s a wonder why we’re just seeing this innovation now. The Sayno Pedal Juice is a 9V rechargeable lithium-ion battery that can power an entire pedalboard and then some...Review: Sanyo Pedal Juice
Guitar Friendly - This week we’re going to look at the A major scale...Major Guitar Scales Lesson: A Major Scale Positions
Guitar Lifestyle - Last year Paul Gilbert was a featured Guitar Center Sessions artist. During part of the session, he gave an interesting rhythm lesson in which he talks about taking familiar rhythms (like “Smoke on the Water” and “Purple Haze”) and using different notes with that same rhythm pattern...Paul Gilbert Rhythm Lesson
Guitar Noize - I love Elixir strings, they last forever and I use them exclusively on my Suhr because it means I don’t have to change my strings for about 2 or 3 months. The only reason I ever change them is because I either start to wear through the coating with my pick (I use a heavy gauge pick) or because I just feel guilty that I haven’t changed the strings for a long time. Check out this press release from Elixir...Elixir Strings announce the Pro Pack (more bang for your buck)
Guitar Teacher - Some chord progressions you have heard for years and will continue to hear years from now. Such is the case with the venerable I-vi-IV-V progression (read “1-6-4-5″ progression). I call this the “Oldies Progression” because so many classic songs from the 1950′s used these changes...Video Guitar Lesson – The “Oldies” Chord Progression
I Heart Guitar - Wow, check out this neat little gizmo by Qwik Tune. It looks like an angry robot dragon with a radar on its head!...COOL GEAR ALERT: Snark by Qwik Tune
Mark McGuigan Musicians Blog - Let’s kicks things back into gear with the *classic* ‘Heartbreaker’ by Led Zeppelin...MasterThatRiff! 60 – Led Zeppelin “Heartbreaker”
Marks Guitar Blog - This is the first of a series of lessons where we explore the more commonly used sections of the fretboard for blues and rock guitar playing. Nothing revolutionary but I hope it will give you some vocabulary and a fresh view of the fretboard...Fretboard "Sweet Spots" for Blues Guitar #1
Not Playing Guitar - This guitar lesson presents 5 example licks that show how double stops 3rds can be used in guitar solos...Guitar Solos - 5 Double Stops 3rds Licks
Strat-O-Blogster - Eric was gracious enough to give us an interview recently...Eric Gales Interview 2010
The Classical Guitar Blog - Real discipline is not sticking to a practice schedule or spending xx minutes on scales and xx minutes on arpeggios every day...Real Discipline
If you have a guitar, bass guitar, keyboard, drum or music learning blog and would like to be added to The Rock House Blog Roll leave me a comment and I'll get you in.
Rock your ass off this weekend,
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