
The Weekend Read for May 28th - Guitar Articles, Lessons and More

The weekend read for May 28th is a good list of guitar related articles on guitar lessons, gear reviews and news that I found from our blog roll. Be sure to check out the Rock House Lesson for this week Guest Post - Beginner's Guitar Lesson to Fingerpicking From guitarfriendly.net

Desafinados - (Use your web browsers translator)Greg Howe has published an article on String Skipping in its column of Premier Guitar. In the lesson it explains the benefits of the enfatización of notes that do not belong to the agreed one but they equip that it with color, with the aim of expanding agreed/arpegio basic with the inclusion of extensions...Greg Howe: String Skipping with colorful

Double Bass Blog - More cool stuff to do this summer–now’s the time of year when this news starts really piling up in my blog inbox. It’s from the International Society of Bassists E-Bass Line...Stanford Jazz Workshop this summer

Fretbase - apparently I’m not alone in splitting (and sharing) my time between baseball and guitar...Baseball Players That Also Play Guitar

Guitar Noize - Today is the first in what I hope will be a series of many guitar lessons that focus on techniques of various influential guitar players. To start the series I have chosen my biggest influence when I first picked up the electric guitar back in 1988, Eddie Van Halen...In The Style Of: Eddie Van Halen Part 1 - Tremelo Picking and Wide Vibrato

I Heart Guitar - I was psyched when the Aguilar Octamizer drifted across my desk. Aguilar best known for their bass amplification, but they produce a pedal range consisting of three models: the Tone Hammer preamp/direct box; the TLC Compressor, and the Octamizer Analog Octave...REVIEW: Aguilar Octamizer octave pedal

Mark McGuigan Musicians Blog - When I was in high school I thought that practicing was just playing music over and over and over again until I magically got it right. My first guitar lesson in college proved me wrong...What is practicing?

Rock Guitar Life - I’ve been in a swirly sounds Leslie speaker mood for a while now. I’ve copped some convincing Leslie sounds out of my old Zoom Chorus pedal. I went on a cheap faux Leslie Beer Can Leslie binge...Beer Can Leslie

Share My Guitar - The hard driving sound of a rock and roll guitar riff is unmistakable. However, there are so many styles and sounds of rock guitar. Each one has its own signature. For the amateur player, getting a good rock guitar tone is not easy...Getting A Good Rock Guitar Tone

The Classical Guitar Blog - A fret dot allows you to avoid using whiteout or another semi-permanent alternative. I recently put one in both my new Michael Thames guitar as well as Chris’ new Thames. Here is what you will need...How to Install a Fret Dot

The Philosopher Of The Future - The truth is, the music industry has been vastly transformed by these technical innovations. The line between the major label artist and the independent hobbyist has been blurred...The Impact of YouTube on the Performing Arts Industry

True Fire - Virtuoso acoustic wizard and fingerstyle master, Sparks presents Fingerstyle Roots, Rags & Blues, an insightful exploration of Early Americana Roots music and intensive fingerstyle study program for intermediate and advanced students...“Mississippi Blues”

Have a Rockin' Weekend


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