I did write and post the usual articles that go into The Rock House Blog every week. If you're looking for a good guitar lesson from us this week I posted one from John McCarthy titled "Sweep Picking Basics" and a player tip on "How Often Should You Change Your Guitar Strings?"
Now....on with the "Weekend Read"
Cameron Mizell - Guitarist - I’m not sure if it’s my distaste of digital multi-effects pedals or my lack of a gym membership, but I have come to terms with the fact that I will be dragging around a heavy pedalboard for the rest of my roadie-less career as an electric guitarist...Building My Pedalboard
Desafinados - Guitar noticias en español
Dolphinstreet Guitar Gear Blog - Sometimes I get asked about how to practice scales and exercises. In fact, one of my guitar students asked me yesterday about finger exercises and whether they are worth doing....Scale Practice Tip
Double Bass Blog - As a bassist, I have always taken advantage of all opportunities I find to play chamber music...Chamber Music and the Bassist, Part I: The Great Chamber Music Search
Guitar Noize - Great coverage from NAMM 2010 still going on here LINK
Guitarz -French artist Céleste Boursier-Mougenot creates works by drawing on the rhythms of daily life to produce sound in unexpected ways...Zebra finches play electric guitar
I Heart Guitar - Nice personal conerage of NAMM 2010 still being posted LINK
Mark McGuigan Musicians Blog - Been a long time since MasterThatMelody has been updated but I shall endeavour to get some more added. Let’s kick things back into gear with the iconic instrumental piece ‘Always With Me, Always With You‘ by Mr Joe Satriani!...MasterThatMelody! 07 – Joe Satriani “Always With Me, Always With You”
Share My Guitar -Guitarists are often asked who their influences are. Depending on the style of music, they typically name a lot of the same people and bands, and for good reason. The more influential musicians are the ones who have made the most impact with their music and consequently have gotten the most recognition in the form of radio play, album sales, and touring. But what about the slew of unknowns?...My Influences Change on a Daily Basis!
Shred This Way - if you are an absolute beginner with the theory of modes, we would be covering a few detailed posts on the subject, but as for now I thought it would be a better to get you familiarised with the names of the 7 modes and ofcourse, like the title says, an easy and painless way to remember the names...Modes - Remember the names
The Classical Guitar Blog - Over the past week I made a short eBook about slurs. It comes with some practice suggestions and several groups of exercises...Free Stuff: Slur Exercises (PDF)
The Punch-in - Come on...Baby, Don't You Want to Know?...Blues Guitar Lesson: “Sweet Home Chicago” Genealogy
Truth in Shreading - Tons of metal, shred, rip your face off videos
Have a rockin' weekend
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