
The Weekend Read September 19 -25; Guitar Lesson, Articles and More

The Rock House Blog Weekend Read.

Bring you the best articles from around the web. Articles include guitar lessons, bass guitar news, guitar playing tips and tricks and just some plain old good reading.

Blues Historian - beloved Mississippi blues drummer and band leader Sam Carr has passed away...Sam Carr RIP

Jemsite - Without ear training playing guitar is a bit like painting by numbers.Guitarists, Develop Your Ears

Guitar Answers - I just entered to win the Dual terror amp head by Orange, myself!I have always liked Orange amps,and they are all tube also.Here is the skinny on the Dual Terror amp head...Enter To Win An Orange Dual Terror Amp Head

Guitar Noize - I have to say that this looks like a very cool iPhone app...TabToolkit iPhone app for guitarists

GuitarPlayerZen.com - It is easier said than done, but if you can embrace your own limitations and realities, you are giving yourself the first step towards truly becoming a better musician. ..Never Stop Getting Better at Guitar: The First Step

Hot Guitar Tips - The Caged System People Always Wondered How Can I Learn These 5 Shapes In 30 Minutes Or Less And i Have The Answer...CAGED SYSTEM

iTalkGuitar blog - I've always been fascinated by the idea of where exactly the idea for a song begins...Inspiration: Where Do You Find It?

Not Playing Guitar - Music theory can be intimidating for beginner guitarists, and even for some of us more experienced players...Music Theory Every Guitarist Should Know

SkolNotes - It's been said that your first hit of marijuana can lead to heroin addiction. Like most, I recognize this myth as a silly scare tactic, despite not being a big fan of pot or of potheads. But when it comes to chili pepper, it is true, at least in my case. My first hit turned me into a hot food junky...Hooked On Hot

Strat-O-Blogster Guitar Blog -  Here's one of those analogies that wakes me up at 4 AM. I'm partly inspired here by a recent conversation with a guitar gear industry insider who says the boutique pedal sect...Why Effects Pedal Lines are Like Mexican Restaurants

Street Musician - You might not think it, but preparing for a gig is a logistical nightmare, especially if you are a solo artist. For those in a band it should be a much simpler process...Preparing for your Gig

The Rock House Blog - The expander is a type of dynamic processor. As the name implies, it increases the dynamic range of a signal such that low level signals are attenuated while the louder portions are neither attenuated or a...Expansion and Noise Gate Effects Basics for Guitar

Shred videos and news -  Truth In Shredding

Double Bass Blog - I recently got an email from double bassist Aaron inquiring about how humidity levels relate to string response...Humidity and string response on the bass

I Heart Guitar - Pro Tone Pedals is releasing a line of premium overdrives with a restrained, downright classy look..NEWS: Pro Tone Pedals Gold Label Overdrive

Jason Shadrick - Guitarist - I just finished reading a great post by Ronan Guilfoyle about the (over)use of complicated rhythms in jazz today...Is Rhythm The Answer?

Marks Guitar Blog - Sometimes a new piece of gear will inspire me to play more or to play differently.  Before the days of owning a business, having kids or buying houses picking up a new guitar or amp every once in a while wasn't too hard to do...Toys Make the World Go 'Round

The Classical Guitar Blog - Technique gets a lot of talk in the classical guitar world. Beginners, especially self taught beginners, can often feel lost about the proper way to practice technique...Technical Exercises for the Absolute Beginner

Have a rockin' weekend

1 comment:

Angele Martin said...

I recently started to learn how to play the guitar and I am finding your site very useful. I am looking forward to your upcoming information on how to play rhythm and note reading. I’ll check back.
Thanks for this great article.