
Rock House Launches JamPages.com, an Online Magazine for Developing Guitar and Bass Players!

In our continuing effort to provide relevant information to help you achieve your musical goals, we have just launched JamPages.com, our new online magazine for developing Guitar and Bass players.

Unlike any other print or web-based magazine, JamPages.com is focused specifically on beginner and intermediate players. By providing easy-to-understand articles, genre-based lessons, theory, artist profiles, information about key manufacturers and gear suited for your level of play, JamPages will help further your musical aspirations.

At JamPages.com you'll learn how to get that sound you've heard coming from your favorite guitar player's rig...we'll show you how to dissect songs in our Song Surgery section and much more.

Subscriptions to JamPages.com are totally FREE! Even if you are already a member of the Rock House community, you will have to register separately for this new and exciting product from Rock House. CLICK HERE FOR YOUR FREE SUBSCRIPTION.

I think you'll really enjoy and get a lot of use out this new product from Rock House.

Music is the Answer!
Joe P.
Rock House

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