
Hearing Loss and MP3 Players

A CAMPAIGN warning young people about the damage that can be done by listening to too-loud music visits Edinburgh today.

The Royal National Institute for the Deaf is due to bring its Don't Lose the Music Squad to The Mound, in Princes Street.

The move follows research which revealed that 90 per cent of young people experience the signs of hearing damage after a night out yet do nothing to prevent it.

The charity's Don't Lose the Music campaign is now investigating the levels at which people listen to their MP3 players to see if they are listening too loudly and causing hearing damage.

RNID's Scotland director, Delia Henry, said: "There were 8.5 million MP3 players sold last year in the UK alone and many of them can reach sound levels above 100 decibels – far louder than the 85 decibels which the World Health Organisation says can damage hearing over time.

"RNID's Don't Lose the Music Squad has come to Edinburgh to see how loudly shoppers are listening and to offer them advice on how to protect their hearing."
Published Date: 18 March 2008
Source: Edinburgh Evening News
Location: Scotland

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