

Frankenstein Visits The Rock House

On Monday April 27 Frankenstein flew all the way from Transylvania, Romania just to hang at the Rock House with Joe P., John and Alex Skolnick. Skolnick is on town this week working with Rock House on his first ever instructional product.

When asked, Frankenstein stated " It's a long flight but I am such a huge fan of Rock House and Alex , I just had to be here for this historic event."His arrival in West Haven was met with some resistance by the towns people as villagers protested outside the Rock House with tourches, pitch forks, sickles and various other farm tools. Once Alex and Frankenstein cranked up their amps and started to performed what can only be described as an impromptu jam session, the angry mob quickly calmed and the town folk danced into the wee hours of a beautiful New England night.

"Leave it to the guys at Rock House to show people that they should not fear the un-kown but embrace it... both in life and musically." said a relieved and happy Frankstein.

Rock House really does make dreams come true!

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