

The 5 Musical Terms of The Day

I'm adding a new feature to the blog called The 5 Musical Terms of The Day. Each day here on the blog I will post 5 musical terms to help you with better understanding with your musical terminology.

There are so many words in the musical dictionary it'll take.......a long time before they run out so check back everyday to expand your knowledge of music.

Knowledge equals power!

Absolute - Absolute music. Music which is inspired by itself rather than extra musical implications such as the stories legends of "program" music.

Baby grand - A small grand piano.

Cadence - A chordal or melodic progression which occurs at the close of a phrase, section, or composition, giving a feeling of repose; a temporary or permanent ending. The most frequently used cadences are perfect, plagal, and deceptive.

Da capo, D. C. - Return to the beginning.

E - Italian word meaning "and."
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  1. Anonymous1:47 AM

    I absolutely love music and it is a pleasure to have come across this blog. Will return often. Keep up the good work.

  2. Thank you, It's a neat little segment that I hope all will like.

  3. Anonymous12:23 PM

    This is going to be a great addition to the blog. Those of us, namely me, who are music theory-language-etc. idiots might actually learn a couple of things here!

  4. Anonymous11:48 PM


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  5. @ Marcin - I'd love to post a link yo your site, can you post a link from my site to yours though?
