

The Weekend Read for Jan. 2nd - 9th

Here's a couple articles from the almighty Rock House Blog roll.

The Weekend Read for January 2nd through January 9th.

The Blues Historian - Blues Critic Media. The top 30 for 2008. Nice quick reviews of some great music. Blues Critics Top 30 Blues And Soul Albums 2008

Guitar Noize - A look at how this blogger handled GAS in 2008. How I managed my G.A.S. in 2008

Not Playing Guitar - This post shares a video lesson showing an easy method to learn guitar songs by ear. Learn Guitar Songs by Ear - Here's a Method That's Helping Me

Strat-O-Blogster - Once again, through the miracle of Youtube, we discover this extraordinary occurrence. Ten Year Old Bass Player Into Jaco?! Hope for the World!

Dy-sphoric - A look at the most basic parts of rhythm, and see how this can improve our playing. for some time...

Guitar Lifestyle - A YouTube video of Eric Clapton during the Cream days explaining his guitar technique. Eric Clapton Explaining His Guitar Technique

Jemsite - Are you a guitar learner that wishes for more practice time? If you are you're not alone...

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