

The Weekend Read for December 26th through January 1st

I hope everyone had a great New Years and ready to get back to playing music this weekend. The blogs in the Rock House circle of friends were pretty busy putting together some fantastic stuff this weekend. So without further ado.....

Here's The Weekend Read for December 26th through January 1st.

The Blues Historian - My good friend Tom Gary did an interview with his local newspaper. He's quite a pianist and will be playing this weekend here in my home town of Cherokee at The annual Blues and Jazz Festival. Check his story here: The Tom Gary Blues Band

Guitar Lifestyle - There was some very good blues music that was released this year. Here’s a list of Josh's favorites, listed in order of release: 2008: A Good Year for the Blues

The Mad Stratter - Memorizing the fretboard is no easy task. The Mad Stratter gives his ideas on how to do it and posts a handy dandy fretboard diagram to help you with the process: Memorizing the Fretboard

Not Playing Guitar - A simple guitar journal exercise to help you review your playing and prepare your next step as we approach the end of this year: Taking Stock of the Guitar Year

Strat-O-Blogster - It's not a lesson, it's not even a tip or trick for playing better. But it's a pretty interesting chair: Acoustic Resonance Massage Chair? LET'S ROCK!!!

FREEKBASS BLOG - Missed The FREEKBASS New Years Eve Party? Here's some photos by Scott Preston taken of the bash at Peach's in Yellow Springs, OH.: FREEKBASS at Peach's

Blogging Muses - Have you made your song writing resolution yet? : 2009 Songwriting Resolutions. What Are Yours?
Have a rockin' weekend

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:16 AM

    Thanks for the mention.

    I'm a big fan of these weekend reads. It's always got all the things that somehow slipped through my RSS reader unnoticed.
