

Rock House Method Releases Gear 411 featuring Tony Pasko

Staying on top of the learning curve Executive VP of The Rock House Method, Joe Palombo announced today that the release of their newest web feature Gear 411 is ready. Joe P was ecstatic to bring Tony Pasko on board with The Rock House Method stating that "Tony is without a doubt one of the foremost authorities on the subject of electronics and the music business. His knowledge will bring some special skills to our members and the web site."

I personally have not seen anything like this on any music site.

Tony Pasko who eats, sleeps and breathes gear brings a life of experience and knowledge to the new feature. Tony grew up in a music store and then crossed over into manufacturing and design of gear. Tony has designed products for companies such as Peavey, Washburn, Randall and Parker just to name a few. Tony has recorded, toured and studied music and live sound and brings a wealth of knowledge from real world experience. Tony is quick to add that he may not know all the answers but he has enough connections in the business that he can get the straight scoop on about anything.


Gear 411 is all about helping you with gear and studio issues. If you are in the market for a new piece of gear, need help making a decision on what to buy, aren't sure what you need, trying to hook something up, having problems making something work or just want to pick Tony's brain a little, Rock House is the place to do it.


Electric, Acoustic and Bass Guitars

Inside the Electric Guitar section of Gear 411Tony can help with questions related to anything going on with your guitar. Strings, Fret Buzz, Pick-Ups, Wood, Electronics, Neck, Intonation, Action, How and What to Buy, Types and styles, Etc.

Inside the Effects section of Gear 411Tony can help with questions related to anything going on with your guitar. Strings, Micing your Acoustic, Electric Acoustic, Using on-Board EQs, Care, Pick-Ups, Wood, Electronics, Neck, Intonation, Action types, styles of Amps, Etc.

Inside the Effects section of Gear 411 Tony can help with questions related to anything when it comes to using Effects to enhance the sound of your instrument. Electronics, Types, Styles, Equalization, Use, How and What to Buy, Etc.
Studio Tricks/ Home Recording
This is where you can ask Tony about all those pesky problems you have with recording.

The section of Gear 411 is for General questions related to gear.
As you can see it's a pretty ambitious undertaking but Tony is ready to answer you questions. Check it out at Gear 411 Avice at Rock House.

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