

Finding Inspiration in Live Music

If you are looking for some inspiration for your musical goals and dreams you need not look much further than a local music festival. Being  a fan of the local music scene, we just wrapped up the 9th annual Jazz and Blues Festival here in 'lil 'ol Cherokee, Iowa. It was another successful weekend loaded with talent and inspiring musicians.

The cool thing about festivals is that you get a chance to see people and bands perform that you normally would not get out to see. And, the biggest thing (at least for me) is some renewed inspiration and excitement about playing from the gut. Inspiration I got this year was to keep going through the song when someone hits a snag or wrong note. We all talk about it and many have this ability but you have to admit it does kind off throw you off a bit when it happens.

I also found inspiration to give a song your own style. My instructor harps on me all the time about this. He constantly tells me to quit worrying about making the song sound exactly like you hear it on the CD or the radio and to give it my own interpretation. I witnessed this (and enjoyed I might add) in songs such as Kashmir, Mustang Sally and gospel songs such as Amazing Grace.

Although you can be inspired to play music in a lot of different ways to me there is none better than to take a chance on some folks you have the opportunity to see at music festivals. Below are a couple of the artists I found inspiration in this weekend.

Something Underground

Erick Hovey Band

Erick Jamming with Mark Pender of the Max Wienberg 7

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